OCIA – Becoming Catholic

OCIA – Becoming Catholic

The Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA) is a process for initiating new members into the Catholic Church.  It is an ongoing process of inquiry, discovery and prayer that helps one discern the voice of God… in community, in Church and in the depths of one’s heart. Through OCIA, we study and explore the Catholic faith.

OCIA is for those:

  • Youth 4th grade or older/Adults never baptized who might desire to become a Catholic
  • Youth 4th grade or older/Adults baptized in another Christian church who might desire to become Catholic
  • Youth 4th grade or older/Adults baptized Catholic who have not received full reception into the church through the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation

All are Welcome! Please feel free to join us on this journey of faith!

Contact Deanna Harlan, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, at (618) 654-2339
ext. 217 or dharlan@stpaulhighland.org for information.