SPYO/Edge Ministry

     Carrie Albaugh

      Pastoral Associate for Youth Faith Formation


      618-654-2339 x210



     6th-8th Grade Ministry

     Meets on Wednesdays from 6pm-7:15pm


     SPYO/Edge Ministry Rooms


Click Here for the 2024-2025 Calendar

Edge for 6th-8th grade provides a safe and fun place to find a solid Catholic community, get answers to their questions, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Ever since Covid, the mindset of our faith and community has changed. Let's take our middle school youth out of their desks and into the beginning of an adventure with Jesus! Edge Ministry is based on the four pillars of the Catechism: Profession of Faith (Creed), Celebration of the Christian Mystery (Sacraments/Liturgy), Life in Christ (Morality/Commandments), and Christian Prayer. 

Every Edge night gets students to think about our Catholic Faith through games, social nights, retreats, community involvement, and more.  This also provides more to talk about with your whole family!

To sign-up, click here!





High School Youth Ministry

Meets on Sundays from 6pm-8pm


SPYO/Edge Ministry Rooms



2024-2025 Calendar will be available soon!


SPYO Vision:

To continue formation of Christ in the lives of St. Paul's young adults.

SPYO Mission:

To be disciples, showing each other, our parish, and our community the love of Christ through prayer, service, and sacraments.


St. Paul Youth Ministry strives to help high school aged individuals:

  • share their gifts
  • grow in life skills
  • develop a positive self-image
  • overcome prejudices
  • develop respect for differences
  • serve those in need
  • foster social change

The above would be achieved by:

  • participating in the sacraments
  • developing a personal spiritual life
  • applying our Catholic faith to daily life
  • integrating our Catholic values
  • participating in the Church
  • going to camps/conferences
  • connecting and helping the community

Text "SPYO" to 618-409-7243 to sign-up!