Read weekly reflections on the development of a child in the womb. |
The St. Paul Respect Life Team promotes a culture of life, an ethic that life begins at the moment of conception and ends at natural death. We participate in Diocesan sponsored pro-life programs and coordinate parish respect-life activities. Our ministry is guided by our Pastor, Fr. Pat Jakel, and Bishop Paprocki & the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois – Office for Pro Life Activities and Special Ministries in alignment with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities.
To answer Saint Saint John Paul II’s invitation to work for the protection and reverence for the sanctity of human life, we provide education and awareness on the variety of issues as found in the Gospel of Life including abortion, euthanasia, death penalty, and disabilities according to Church teaching. We advocate for life affirming legislation and share regular legislative updates with Ministry members. For more information or to receive email notifications about Respect Life opportunities at the Parish, please contact Rose Wascher at
Throughout the calendar year, we coordinate Respect Life activities, such as: